South of France, North of Truth.

You want to know the only thing that really matters in advertising?

The work. 

You want to know why most advertising seems so empty, unexciting , almost vapid, of late?

The work.

You want to know why we have opportunity to make advertising more than it’s ever been?  

The work.

You want to know the one thing that distinguishes the lackluster and the lame in creative, agencies, and the ads themselves, from the good and the great?

The work.

And the only enduring reason to look beyond the money, hours, pressure, and impossible odds at a kind of fame and glory that’s, at best, fickle and fleeting?

The work.

What do older colleagues, talented folks with everything to give and all the experience we so urgently need, miss most out there on the ice floe?

The work. 

What’s the only honest reason to tell in-demand newcomers that it’s not entirely nuts to consider a career in advertising?

The work.

Looking in the mirror, when you’re feeling inadequate, landlocked, roadblocked, and otherwise dumpward bound, what’s the one thing that will get you out of bed on the grayest of mornings?

The work.

Looking up, what’s the real engine that will drive clients and agencies, self-interested schmucks that we are, to recognize the “right” thing is actually the essential thing in fairness, equity, working conditions, and DEI?

The work.

In fact, when you get right down to it, what’s the only coin of the realm we have to buy back client trust, give brands a reason to reconsider DIY, mitigate disintermediation, slither out of boa constrictor economics?

The work.

So, as we conclude advertising’s annual hall of mirrors tour, Cannes edition, what’s going to make more of a difference than all the expected bombast and bloviation, humblebragging and humbugging, disdain for the extravagance and jealousy for being excluded, combined?

The work.

The work. 

The work.


Brainchild uses world’s simplest press release to announce new website


Stuff & Nonscents